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Extra Extra Read All About It!

About a month ago I had a nice interview/conversation with a reporter from my local newspaper. I’ve done short interviews over email but never face to face so I was a tad nervous but excited about the possibility to have […]

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Playing With Leaves Tutorial

I’ve been planning this tutorial for a few weeks, ever since I took the last of my “leaf” images.   I saved all the different photos that I took for that image and decided that I would just use the […]

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365 – A year In Photos

Today marks a strange day in my life. The first day in the past year that I don’t need to pick up my camera! For the past 12 months I’ve been working towards completing a 365 self-portrait a day challenge […]

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This may not come as much of a shock to you, but I’m a big time dreamer. Not just at night, when my eyes are closed and my brain takes over, but all day long! I think I’ve always been […]

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