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Home / Monthly Recaps

What I Learned in 2015

For as long as I can remember I’ve always spent some time at the end of each year and reflected on not just the memories, goals, and people who influenced me during the previous 12 months, but the lessons I […]

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Pushing Forward

The last month that I’ve been home has been an interesting one, a challenging one but rewarding as well. For the first time since I was teenager I found myself without a real “job” or school or other thing to […]

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2012 – My Year In Review

Wow. These past twelve months have not only flown by but they’ve also been filled to the brim with so many amazing opportunities and peopleĀ and it’s honestly a little difficult to even try to summarize everything! 2012 was a big […]

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October Monthly Recap

Well that month sure went by fast! Here I was just a few days ago trying to type up the random events of September when all of a sudden pumpkins were being replaced with christmas decorations and the last of […]

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